

Explore new embodied possibilities through workshops and challenges.

The Giving Class

The Giving Class

6th Annual Giving Class with Lily via Zoom.

For the past 6 years, I have held a fundraiser class around Thanksgiving with 100% of proceeds going to House of Ruth, a nonprofit in Maryland, that is one of the nation’s leading intimate partner violence centers, helping thousands of battered women and their children find the safety and security that so many of us take for granted.

This year, I am holding a soothing steady, and deeply unifying Vinyasa Yoga class. This class will be accessible to ALL LEVELS of practitioners - postures and flows will be kept simple and spacious so that newer students of yoga can follow the transitions clearly and enjoy dropping into the full, tidal breath and meditative flow. Join us in a gentle flow to open our hearts in gratitude, connection, and community.

You will receive a reminder email from me Monday morning, 11/25, ahead of our class with the Zoom Link and class details. I look forward to seeing you live or sharing the replay with you to enjoy as part of your holiday grounding

For Props please gather: 1 mat, 2 blocks, 1 strap.

Together we raised $1,050 for House of Ruth!!

*Registration for this event has closed.

If you would like to do the class, it is publicly available here:

The playlist can be found here:

Donations can be sent directly to House of Ruth at this time by clicking here:

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The Giving Class

The Giving Class

5th Annual Giving Class with Lily via Zoom.

For the past 5 years, I have held a fundraiser class around Thanksgiving with 100% of proceeds going to House of Ruth, a nonprofit in Maryland, that is one of the nation’s leading intimate partner violence centers, helping thousands of battered women and their children find the safety and security that so many of us take for granted.

This year, I am holding a soothing steady, and deeply unifying Vinyasa Yoga class. This class will be accessible to ALL LEVELS of practitioners - postures and flows will be kept simple and spacious so that newer students of yoga can follow the transitions clearly and enjoy dropping into the full, tidal breath and meditative flow. Join us in a gentle flow to open our hearts in gratitude, connection, and community.

You will receive a reminder email from me Monday morning, 11/20, ahead of our class with the Zoom Link and class details. I look forward to seeing you live or sharing the replay with you to enjoy as part of your holiday grounding

For Props please gather: 1 mat, 2 blocks, 1 strap.

The Giving Class 11/25/24

100% of proceeds go directly to House of Ruth, supporting victims of Domestic Violence in Baltimore.

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to Jul 9

Wide Open Spaces

Limited Livestream Schedule July 1-13:

Sunday, July 2 10-11 am EST
Sunday, July 9 10-11 am EST

Strong Vinyasa Flow Live-streamed from the West Coast. $20 for both.

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31 Day May Yoga Challenge
to May 31

31 Day May Yoga Challenge

Register to gain access to your own video vault of 31 yoga practices with Lily. You will have access to all the practices from the day you register (Registration opens April 12 and closes May 1) for the entire month of May. Take a class each day to jumpstart your practice, or go at your own pace and follow the pace that resonates for you.

Take time to reconnect to your body, your breath, your strength, and your spirit as we move towards the vibrancy of Summertime. Register below and a PDF with the URL and password for all 31 videos will be sent to the email you provide at registration so you can begin right away with immediate access to everything.

Each practice is an HD recording from one of my Livestream Subscriptions. By the end of the month, you will have a sense of how each class is different, and which class approach resonates with you the most at this point on your path.

Your online library of 31 yoga videos is sorted into three columns: The first column is the 60 minute Wednesday 6:30 am EST Strong Flow class - it is an all levels class with a strong steady breath based flow. The second column is the 90 minutes Sunday 10 am EST Advanced Practice with props we call Sunday Yoga Church - here we workshop more advanced postures and prop set ups. The third column is the 60 minutes Friday 7:30 am EST Yoga HIIT class that I teach with cardio and handweights for those of you who like a sweaty experience to get that endorphin high.

Enjoy the month of May with access to sample as many of these classes as you would like. At the end of the month, be on the lookout for an email from me with an opportunity to choose one subscription to receive for one free month so you can join me in realtime via Zoom.

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RESET:  a 7 day Cleanse and Yoga Challenge to spark your inner revival.
to Mar 17

RESET: a 7 day Cleanse and Yoga Challenge to spark your inner revival.


a 7 Day Cleanse and Yoga Challenge
with Lily Dwyer Begg
to spark your own inner revival.

Join us virtually, in community, March 10-17, 2022
Or, join us and choose your own cleanse week, following along with ebook and recordings.

Register and receive:

  • Livestream Meet up Friday, March 10, 5-6 pm via zoom (recorded if you miss it!) to learn cleanse protocol.

  • Ebook with recipes and cleanse protocol

  • 7 30-minute yoga flows to balance and energize along each of the 7 energy centers of the body

  • Daily Meditation to clear the lens

  • The support of the cleanse community and check in emails from Lily along the way

Do you feel the new wave of Spring energy moving through your breath, your heart, your body, and the natural world?
A cleanse is a beautiful way to gain fresh insight when you are feeling stuck and create a healthy structure to simplify your life so that you can ground and learn to take beautiful care of yourself.

This cleanse is at once a source of deep support and invigorating revival. Set down that which is not supporting your vitality. Return to simple rhythms. Cultivate healing habits. Put down your devices. Practice yoga and meditate for 5 consecutive days. Eat real food. Sleep like a baby. Rise with the sun. Learn a life changing, simple, Ayurvedic monodiet and method to reset, re-orient, re-evaluate, and reconnect.

Are you ready to make space, let go, reflect on the lessons of Winter, and re-connect potently to your body, mind, and spirit before we move into the vibrancy of Springtime?

This program is inspired by my own experience over a decade of following a seasonal (Fall and Spring) Kitchari Cleanse that I started in my late twenties and has been a game-changer and a deep reset that debloats/calms/grounds but also ripples out beyond the physical. The cleanse and nutrition protocol was co-created with Kameko Shibata, my amazing friend and Ayurvedic Practitioner who now has a Masters Degree in Ayurveda who I created this program with and ran for years and years in California.

This is not deprivation or juice cleanse that will spike and crash your blood sugar. It is a gentle, nourishing cleanse that will help you digest better, sleep better, feel better, and see your life with gentler and wiser eyes.

Over the course of this cleanse you will:
*embark on a 5 day Ayurvedic monodiet
*practice 30 minutes of yoga for 7 days consecutively and learn a simple daily meditation routine
*learn Dinacharya, an Ayurvedic start to the day to clear the senses
*unplug for a 5-day digital detox from social media
*reflect and journal with guided prompts

What will I be eating? Breakfast is spiced quinoa porridge.  Lunch and Dinner is Kitchari - which is a cooked warming stew of mung Dahl and Basmati Rice with specific warming spices and vegetables.  In addition to these meals, you will sip warm herbal teas, whole foods based healthy snack, and daily elixirs. 

What can’t I have? No sugar. No meat. No alcohol. No processed foods. No dairy Reduced caffeine. No social media.

How much time will I need? You will wake with the sunrise to practice 30 minutes of yoga and 10 minutes each morning to meditate. There are a couple journal, processing questions along the way and it is your choice how long you write about them. You will need to pack meals for work or school and have healthy cleanse snacks on hand. There is some food prep involved.

What is Dinacharya? Dinacharya is a sacred ritual to cleanse the windows of perception to welcome the day. You will learn sacred daily rituals based in Ayurveda to ground and settle your nervous system: from dry brushing to Oilination Massage, from tongue scraping to Jala Neti - get ready to cleanse the windows of perception and offer kindness and healing touch to your daily routine.

Can I repeat it on my own? It is helpful to have guidance the first time you embark on this journey, but once you know the way, you can make Reset a ritual you look forward to repeating each Fall and Spring. Weave it into the deeper meaning of your practice, and your life purpose.

What does the week look like?

Friday-Sunday March 10, 11, and 12:

 All are welcome and AHIMSA - compassion and nonviolence towards others and self is a central thread to the process. Before we embark on the 5-day Ayurvedic Kitchari Monodiet, you will have 3 days to prepare the temple - shifting to a whole foods diet, eliminating meat, alcohol, sugar, increasing hydration, and reducing caffeine. You will take these 3 days to learn the cleanse protocol, shop for your supplies and ingredients, prepare a meditation space, and arrange your calendar so you can stick to the daily yoga and meditation schedule. If you are triggered by food cleanses you can skip that portion and join us for the yoga and meditation and self care ritual.  This weekend is your own time to prepare: join the livestream welcome/intro or watch the video, read your cleanse e-book, go grocery shopping, create sacred space for meditation and yoga in your home, look ahead and clear your schedule, let your loved ones know you are on a cleanse week, and start prepping your monodiet foods in the kitchen

Monday through Friday March 13-17:

Morning Ritual (Dinacharya)

Daily On Demand Yoga Recording

5 Day Ayurvedic Monodiet

Daily Meditation

5 day Digital Detox from social media

This is a gentle, methodical, and cumulative process.

 All are welcome and AHIMSA - compassion and nonviolence towards others and self is a central thread to the process. Before we embark on the 5-day Ayurvedic Kitchari Monodiet, you will have 3 days to prepare the temple - shifting to a whole foods diet, eliminating meat, alcohol, sugar, and reducing caffeine. You will take these 3 days to learn the cleanse protocol, shop for your supplies and ingredients, prepare a meditation space, and arrange your calendar so you can stick to the daily yoga and meditation schedule. If you are triggered by food cleanses you can skip that portion and join us for the yoga and meditation and self care ritual. 

"When you refrain from habitual thoughts and behavior, the uncomfortable feelings will still be there. They don’t magically disappear. Over the years, I’ve come to call resting with the discomfort “the detox period,” because when you don’t act on your habitual patterns, it’s like giving up an addiction. You’re left with the feelings you were trying to escape. The practice is to make a wholehearted relationship with that."
Pema Chodron

Join us and unearth new and healing insight into your life-path.

RESET: March 2023
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30 Day Handstand Challenge
to Feb 15

30 Day Handstand Challenge

I'm so excited to open doors to register for my 30 Day Handstand Challenge!

Press handstands away from the wall did not come naturally for me, and that is why I made this course with all the tips, hacks, exercises, and breakthroughs that I learned the slow and hard way - organized into a neat and efficient package just for you. It is a course with all the details I wish I'd had when I was just starting out on my handstand journey so you can feel confident and well organized breaking down this task into small, achievable daily drills and exercises that, with your own commitment and consistency will make a huge impact on your progress.

This Challenge will give you the skills and confidence to identify where you should begin, the work you need to put in, varied and creative ways of approaching the pose from a unique angle to help you unblock personal plateaus in your mind and body each day, and ultimately the skills to deepen your handstand practice.

One of the things that I most love about this course is that it is essentially three courses for the price of one. Gain instant access to three tracks from Beginner, Intermediate, to Advanced. You could take all three tracks, making it a 90 Day Challenge. Or if you are an Advanced Practitioner or Teacher you could start at the Advanced Tier and then review the Beginner Drills so that you feel confident breaking down and sharing the content with your own yoga students and clients!

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. I'm looking forward to getting started with the Group Calls on February 8th!

Spots are limited to the first 20 enrolled for full support, so please don’t wait!

If you prefer the self paced program, space is unlimited but enrollment ends February 15, 2023.

If you have taken the Handstand Challenge with me before, please note that you can sign up for the Full Support group to get coaching and tips based on your photos and questions via the Voxer App and 2 Livestream meet ups to complement the daily drills and conditioning exercises you might have done before in the Challenge.

Or if you are new to the Challenge or want to go at it self paced, you can choose that option and get to work immediately after purchsase using the e-book with video links that is sent to your email provided at purchase.

This Challenge will support to all these levels:

  1. Beginner: Learn what is required to kick up to a wall in handstand and improve your strength and mobility for handstand

  2. Intermediate: Begin using the wall to get off the wall so you can start your journey to balancing a handstand off the wall

  3. Advanced: Progress your journey in Pike and Straddle Press Handstand entry away from the wall, Zombie Slides on yoga blankets, transitions from handstand to arm balances.

During this challenge you will receive BOTH a PDF immediately upon purchase with all your videos in one helpful place PLUS one email each week starting February 1 (Week 1) that will include:

1. Conditioning Exercises to repeat daily throughout the week to progress your handstand journey.


2. Daily Handstand Drill for each level 1, 2, and 3 to bring a unique breakthrough 6 days a week (1 day a week is your rest day) (72 drills included in total)

Upon purchase you will receive my e-book for the Handstand Challenge with all the exercises so you can begin as soon as you are ready.

What’s the difference between Full Support and Self Study?

  • The Self-Study course option is “go at your own pace,” and Full Support offers 2 Live Calls with group support, and additional individualized coaching and Voxxer Support with Lily to send a weekly photo, question, and update to Lily to help you troubleshoot and meet your goals with individualized feedback 4 times throughout the Challenge.

  • Self-Study folks get the same ebook, videos, and exercises as Full Support folks the difference is in how interactive you would like to be with the materials.

  • Self-Study is unlimited - last round we had over 100 folks register!

  • Full Support is limited to the first 20 enrolled so that Lily has adequate time and space to offer individualized coaching throughout the month. Download the Voxer App and send a message to Lily each week with photos to troubleshoot your progress and questions that arise along the way. Full Support Registrants will be invited to two Livestreams: Wednesday, February 8, and Wednesday, February 15 7-8 pm EST.

  • The next Full Support and Self-Study course registration will open sometime next year.

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New 31 Day Core Challenge
to Jan 10

New 31 Day Core Challenge

31 Days of Creative, Potent Core Work

Light it up! Challenge your body and your brain.

Deconstruct old ways you thought of your core and rebuild a foundation of true deep support for the longevity of your practice, for the health of your spine and pelvis.

Reconnect to your power, your purpose, your center, your aliveness!

This challenge will lay the foundation of longevity, lightness, and lift to take your practice to the next level.

Upon purchase you will be emailed a PDF to download with access a URL and password. Download the PDF immediately and save it to your files. The first practice will appear on the URL on January 1 and a new one is added each day of January at 12 am EST through January 31. The URL and practices are yours to keep.

Mon-Fri you will receive a new 10-minute (ish) core challenge. Every Saturday a 60-minute Yoga HIIT class will add to the Core Challenge. Every Sunday you will receive a restorative core, breath work, bandha, mudra or core kriya challenge for a transformative holistic experience of your center.

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The Giving Class

The Giving Class

4th Annual Giving Class with Lily.

For the past 4 years, I have held a fundraiser class around Thanksgiving with 100% of proceeds going to House of Ruth, a nonprofit in Maryland, that is one of the nation’s leading intimate partner violence centers, helping thousands of battered women and their children find the safety and security that so many of us take for granted.

This year, I am holding a juicy, replenishing yoga class that is both LIVE and RECORDED to be shared with you after it uploads. The perfect bridge to set down your to do list and move into greater presence, gratitude, and replenishment ahead of the holiday weekend, we will move through a sumptuously grounding Restorative Yoga practice.

For props, please gather:

3 yoga blankets or large towels

2 blocks

1 strap

wall space

2 pillows or bolsters

sandbag (Optional)

Upon registration, you will receive a receipt to the email you registered with a zoom link for our Monday class. I look forward to seeing you live or sharing the replay with you to enjoy as part of your holiday grounding.

The Giving Class
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Holiday Power Practice Challenge: 5 30-minute power practices and 2 HIIT yoga practices with Lily in Greece
to Dec 31

Holiday Power Practice Challenge: 5 30-minute power practices and 2 HIIT yoga practices with Lily in Greece

SHORT. STRONG. SUCCINCT. You’ve been asking for more 30-minute on demand sessions you can fit into your busy holiday season….And so I have created 5 potent, short practices set in exotic locations from my recent retreat to Santorini and Amorgos, Greece. No props needed (I didn’t even have a mat for the first few flows after a baggage slow down in Santorini) so they are truly portable for all you winter travels. These practices will stretch you out, plug into your power, awaken your core, and help you re-align for greater vitality and energy as the temperatures dip. As a bonus, I am also including 2 60-minute Yoga HIIT sessions filmed in Amorgos.

Holiday Power Practice Challenge includes:

5 30-minute yoga practices filmed in the natural elements in beautiful Greece

2 60-minute high Yoga HIIT classes with light weights

Bring these with you on your winter travels or squeeze them in when you self care regimen becomes a bit compressed. I hope they support your vitality and joy.

Upon purchase you will be emailed a PDF to download with video links to all 7 practices. Be sure to download the PDF as it will be deleted from your inbox in 24 hours after delivery.

Please note - these videos are filmed on a tripod and with my mic while traveling - so the lighting will be natural, not consistent studio lighting created like my ring lights produce back home, and at times you may hear bits of wind or Greek conversations or birds/waves/olive branches in the background. I have reviewed the videos and I think they are still quite enjoyable, audible, visible.

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RESET an inner revival
to Sep 16

RESET an inner revival


a 7 Day Cleanse and Yoga Challenge
with Lily Dwyer Begg
to spark your own inner revival.

Join us in community, September 9-16, 2022
Or, join us and choose your own cleanse week, following along with ebook and recordings

Take a week to reconnect to your vitality through a gentle cleanse protocol, daily yoga practice, daily meditations for clarity and insight, and the support of a community with zoom meet ups and check-ins to support you along the way. This program is inspired by my own experience over 9 years of following a seasonal (Fall and Spring) Kitchari Cleanse that I started to prepare my body for pregnancy. The cleanse protocol was co-created with Kameko Shibata, my amazing friend and Ayurvedic Practitioner working towards her Masters Degree in Ayurveda who I created this program with and ran for years and years in California.

A cleanse is a beautiful way to gain fresh insight when you are feeling stuck and create a healthy structure to simplify your life so that you can really learn to take good care of yourself.

This is not deprivation or juice cleanse that will spike and crash your blood sugar. It is a gentle, nourishing cleanse that will help you digest better, sleep better, feel better, and see your life with gentler and wiser eyes.

Clear out old sluggish patterns that have you stuck in cyclical patterns. Create a new healing rhythm to your day. Unearth your own heartfelt intention so that it can uplift and permeate your life.

*embark on a 5 day Ayurvedic monodiet
*learn a simple daily meditation routine
*learn Dinacharya, an Ayurvedic start to the day to clear the senses
*unplug for a 5-day digital detox from social media
*reflect and journal with guided prompts
Mon-Thu yoga recordings are sent for you to practice along and Fri join the Yoga with BB Weights Livestream 7:30-;30 am EST if you are free recording sent to you if you are not free

This cleanse is at once a source of deep support and invigorating revival. Cultivate sacred space. Draw clear boundaries. Set down that which is not supporting your vitality. Return to simple rhythms. Cultivate healing habits. Put down your devices. Practice yoga and meditate for 5 consecutive days. Eat real food. Sleep like a baby. Rise with the sun.Learn a life changing, simple, Ayurvedic monodiet and method to reset, re-orient, re-evaluate, and reconnect. Learn simple healing powerful daily practices that you can learn to repeat on your own. It is helpful to have guidance the first time you embark on this journey, but once you know the way, you can make Reset a ritual you look forward to repeating each Fall and Spring. Weave it into the deeper meaning of your practice, your life purpose, and watch it lift off as a potent pause. Each time you repeat the process the process deepens and potentiates in the fabric of your life.Experience a detox that's a reset for your nervous system, a life affirming process that draws you closer to your purpose and your power and fills your cup instead of leaving you depleted. Think warming spices, lots of raw EFAs and healthy fats, warm herbal teas, daily elixirs and rituals and lots of oil massage to ground and settle your nervous system.Ground into daily warming yoga practice to flush and feel and stir. Integrate all layers of your being and bring all of yourself, from skin to soul, to the process: the physical abode of your body, your emotional landscape, your knowledge, your heart wisdom, your boundless bliss in being.Steep in sacred stillness so you can kindle the embers of what is most important to you.

What will you receive?:
(and keep forever so you can repeat on your own):

*e-book with recipes, shopping list, journal prompts, and a daily Ayurvedic self-care routine

*5 pre-recorded yoga practices (and optionally, 1 live!) with Lily so you can keep practicing along with them long after the cleanse winds down

*2 10-minute pre-recorded meditations

*1 Welcome Zoom Meet up for community support, inspiration, and connection. (recorded if you miss)

When will we Gather?

Thursday, September 8, 6-8 pm EST Zoom Livecall (recorded if you miss it!) Grounding Vinyasa, Welcome, and Learn Cleanse Protocol from Lily

Friday-Sunday September 9, 10 and 11 - your own time to prepare: read your cleanse e-book, go grocery shopping, create sacred space for meditation and yoga in your home, look ahead and clear your schedule, let your loved ones know you are on a cleanse week, and start prepping your monodiet foods in the kitchen

Monday through Friday September 11-15 -

Daily On Demand Yoga together and Friday Livestream Class 7:30-8:30 am EST (recorded and sent to you if you cannot attend the live classes).

5 Day Ayurvedic Monodiet

Daily Meditation

5 day Digital Detox from social media

Livecalls: (recorded if you miss them!)

Thursday, September 8, 6-8 pm EST Zoom Livecall (recorded if you miss it!) Grounding Vinyasa, Welcome, and Learn Cleanse Protocol from Lily

Friday, September 15, 7:30-8:30 am EST, Celebratory Zoom Livecall Yoga with BB Weights

This is a gentle, methodical, and cumulative process.

 All are welcome and AHIMSA - compassion and nonviolence towards others and self is a central thread to the process. Before we embark on the 5-day Ayurvedic Kitchari Monodiet, you will have 3 days to prepare the temple - shifting to a whole foods diet, eliminating meat, alcohol, sugar, and reducing caffeine. You will take these 3 days to learn the cleanse protocol, shop for your supplies and ingredients, prepare a meditation space, and arrange your calendar so you can stick to the daily yoga and meditation schedule. If you are triggered by food cleanses you can skip that portion and join us for the yoga and meditation and self care ritual. 

There are Zoom Calls. (But don’t worry, if you miss a call, they are all recorded and emailed to you within 24 hours of live class). Please note that if you want to join RESET but the dates don't work for you, you can join us, watch the recordings/read the ebook, and do it on your own time at a later date.

"When you refrain from habitual thoughts and behavior, the uncomfortable feelings will still be there. They don’t magically disappear. Over the years, I’ve come to call resting with the discomfort “the detox period,” because when you don’t act on your habitual patterns, it’s like giving up an addiction. You’re left with the feelings you were trying to escape. The practice is to make a wholehearted relationship with that."
Pema Chodron

Join us and unearth new and healing insight into your life-path.

Reset Fall 2022
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Step into your POWER Challenge
to Aug 26

Step into your POWER Challenge

Have you been wanting to check out my Yoga with BB Weights class to see what it is like?

Are you interested in adding a little spice to your yoga experience with high intensity cardio intervals and weights?

Power up! Adding light weights is a fantastic way to build lean muscle mass, stabilize joints, and clarify alignment for the hypermobile/flexible student. Interspersing High Intensity Intervals of cardiovascular work throughout strong steady flows with the weights gets you sweaty lickety split. Lily is masterful at weaving unconventional multi-planar movements with the weights that target long fascial chains and not just single muscle movers like you might use the weights at the gym. As we age and hormones shift the single most important thing you can do for your metabolism, health, and longevity is to build and maintain lean muscle mass for the health of our joints, bones, and brain. Stay bouyant, Dears!

When you register you will get a PDF in your email with immediate access to:

  • 18 on-demand, 60-minute, Yoga With BB Weights classes available to your August 1-October 1

  • Zoom Link to join 2 live call Yoga with BB Weights practices 8/12 and 8/26, 7:30-8:30 am EST (replay sent if you can’t make the livestream)

  • and an offer for September to take 50% off your first month as a SUN subscriber to our Yoga With BB Weights Online Classes and unlimited class archives

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July 30 Day Yoga Challenge
to Jul 30

July 30 Day Yoga Challenge

Enjoy 30 full-length 60-minute strong yoga flows with Lily for the month of July.

Do it on your own time. Go day by day or gravitate to the practices that pull you.

Upon purchase you will be emailed a PDF to download with a private webpage and password to access all 30 videos accessible for the month of July ONLY.

July 30 Day Yoga Challenge
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Chair Series
to Aug 9

Chair Series

Summer Series: Building a Chair Yoga Practice with Lily

3 Tuesdays, 6-8 pm EST

June 28 Ignite: Core, Arm Balances, and Inversions with the Chair

July 26 Unfold: Backbends with the Chair

August 9 Soothe: Forward lengthening and Twists with the Chair

$50 each session or $120 for all 3. Drop in for one or build one into another and develop a body of knowledge on the chair.

The backless yoga chair is a unique prop unlike any other. It can offer great insights to your practice. Come join me for a Strong Intermediate Yoga practice with the chair.

This training is for teachers and practitioners alike. If you teach private sessions a chair is an incredible tool to learn how to work with properly to support your students. If you are a practitioner, the chair is hands down the best prop I have ever worked with to illuminate blindspots in my own practice and connect missing pieces to build a bridge of continuity and connect the dots structurally in asana. You can develop an entire full length practice on the chair or pull it out to deepen or workshop a singular peak posture.

A backless yoga chair offers handles to leverage, traction, lift, and spread the body in the posture. It offers platforms to support body weight so that active poses like a side plank, for example, become sumptuously passive, allowing more advanced leg variations to be explored with ease. It takes the strain off of overused areas of the body so that a shoulderstand, for example, can be held with the weight of the pelvis supported by the chair seat so that there is no added strain to the delicate vertebrae of the neck and the posture can be held longer. It offers a boundary to articulate more precise alignment, press against for isometric engagement and “active” stretching, and rein in blindspots in our body awareness. And it feels fantastic!

Some people look to the chair as a prop for senior citizens, or total beginners. It can be that. However, in this workshop we will explore the use of the chair for the strong intermediate student. How can the chair be used to help you work more clearly, more intelligently, more actively? How can the chair reveal new depths to a pose like Parivrtta Upavistha Konasana so that the breath can flow with ease and illuminate bound areas in the psoas/diaphragm structures for greater healing? How can the chair be used as a training wheel for arm balances, for press handstand? The possibilities are limitless!

We will begin by using the chair to traction, articulate the hinges of the body, and flush the spaces around them with breath and meditative awareness. We will practice core work and several rounds of sun sals to warm the body and generate Tapas to facilitate deeper purification in our postures. Though each workshop focuses on a different category of poses, we will explore safe, smart, and smooth entry and exit strategies from the chair in twists, heart openers, backbends, arm balances, seated postures, inversions and finally the most heavenly slow set of chair restoratives. You will leave feeling taller, more spacious, and inspired by the new possibilities and sensations unearthed in your practice.

Each session is conducted as a workshop.

You will be taught specific entry and exit strategies for each posture working safely with the chair for your body proportions, flexibility, and technical level.

Before each session, you will receive a PDF with all the postures taught. After each session you will receive 2 week access to a video recording of the session. This makes the workshop possible for those who cannot attend live but wish to catch up on the material afterwards. Those who attend all three sessions will have a space with Lily for deepening, questions and answers, and follow up as our material accumulates.

You will receive a zoom link in your email immediately upon registering. Download the PDF and save this zoom link to your calendar. The zoom room will open 15 minutes ahead of each scheduled session for you to check your camera angle and prepare your space. Each session will start promptly at 6 pm EST. Come dressed to move and prepared to take notes.

Props required:

backless yoga chair, 2 blocks, wall space, bolster/pillow, long 10’ strap with buckle.

See props page for resources where to purchase these items if you need.

Chair Yoga - 6/28/22 only.
Chair Yoga - 7/26/22 only
Chair Yoga - 8/9/22 only.
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ALL NEW 30 Day Core Challenge
to Jun 7

ALL NEW 30 Day Core Challenge

Is there anything better than feeling strong, flexible, and centered in yourself? As we bloom open into the vibrancy of the Summer season, you are invited to join me and to connect to your solar plexus, the inner sun, and the vitality and qi of the Deep Core body in my brand new 30 Day Core Challenge. Each day for the month of June you will receive one core video with me, including:

  • 4 10-20 minute core videos each week

  • 1 20-minute Quick HIIT interval of high intensity cardio and slow articulate core strengthening each week

  • 2 60-minute Core-Focused Vinyasa Flow videos each week

  • bonus videos day 29 and 30 :)

30 Day Core Challenge is one of my most popular bi-yearly offerings. I am known for weaving wickedly specific, delicious, creative and challenging core work into my yoga classes and this challenge distills that work into a program where you will feel your core strength increase rapidly and link beautifully into the stability, agility, and flow of your yoga practice.

This 30 Day Core Challenge is brand new (so you can join if you have done one with me in the past and all your videos will be brand new!) and made with love to help you engage in a daily core work that feels creative, joyful, educational, transformative, and empowering. Gone are the days of slogging through mindless repetition, reconnect to the spark of joy and mindfulness as you plug into your center.

As part of this challenge, you will gain lifetime access to the videos, all published daily to a consolidated webpage for easy access. When you register for the challenge on my website, you will gain URL and password for our core challenge webpage and the first video will be released at 1 am EST June 1st and each day thereafter at 1 am EST.

30 Day Core Challenge All NEW June 2022

Upon purchase you will receive an email with downloadable PDF with URL and password to all challenge videos. Be sure to download this PDF within 24 hours of purchase to access video content.

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March 30 Day Yoga Challenge
to Mar 31

March 30 Day Yoga Challenge

Start your year strong with 30 under 70-minute yoga practices with Lily.

Do it on your own time.

Upon purchase you will be emailed a PDF to download with a private webpage and password to access all 30 videos accessible for the months of March and April.

March 30 Day Yoga Challenge
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Open Lecture:  Adapting Yoga for Postpartum

Open Lecture: Adapting Yoga for Postpartum

You are invited.

Join Lily Dwyer Begg and Home Yoga Online Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training for an open lecture to learn about common physical and energetic imbalances postpartum and how to best support, stabilize, and integrate during this exhausting and magical window of time.

This information is useful, and immediately usable as a yoga teacher or practitioner. It will feel strengthening, stabilizing, and nourishing for new parents and yoga teachers/trainers alike.

Take a close look at body alignment (on and off the mat), breathing patterns, and supportive exercises to reconnect to your deep core for a strong and empowering postpartum yoga practice. Identify contraindications and pitfalls in postpartum practice so you can stay strong on your path towards healing and integration. Practice and workshop recommended practices to support the postpartum yoga student.

*I know firsthand how hard it can be to carve out time for yourself postpartum. If you can only attend the practice or cannot attend either part, the full recording will be shared with you after this event.

Upon purchase, you will receive a Zoom link as an attachment in your email inbox. Download this link and save to your calendar.

Please do not enter the zoom room before 5:25 pm EST as the prenatal trainees will be in there working through a lecture/discussion. Please do feel free to enter the Zoom room anytime between 5:25-5:30 pm EST

Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap, 1 towel or blanket, a Coregous ball or 60% inflated kids ball.

(if you don’t have any of these, not a problem!)

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Coping Strategies
to Feb 23

Coping Strategies

I created this series for my students who are looking for a direct route/no frills reconnect to physicality and spirit. I created this series for students who are struggling with keeping the commitment of a full length at home practice. Small but potent. 15-30 minutes of your day of cathartic, liberating, lush movement that creates a ripple effect setting the tone of your day and helping to get you through the week.

Protect your grounding, regulate your nervous system, refresh your routine and sweat, tone, flow, strengthen, and Chillax.

Each practice is 15-30 minutes long and features a different theme to move you through your week:

1. Monday: Have a case of the Mondays?: Power flow with light weights will get the sweat and feel good endorphins flowing to see you through the day.

2. Tuesday: Feeling overwhelmed?: Did you know that linking breath and movement and dropping into a flow state can restructure your inner state to a much more organized, calm, and groovy feeling?

3. Wednesday: Having a hard time getting over the hump of your hump day?: Shake off the debris of stress and tensions with this vigorous flow fetuaring various shaking movement, dynamic pranayama, and inversions. Sparkle up!

4. Thursday: Feeling spacey?: This practice is a straight shot of super intense core work to help you plug back into the center of your body.

5. Friday open to pleasure: Tired but wired? Stressed and overworked but having a hard time shifting gears and chilling out or falling asleep? This practice guides you down in the sacral and pelvic energy centers to downregulate into parasympathetic mode for the weekend ahead. Think quality sleep, good digestion, and an awakened libido.

6. Saturday slow and low flow: Need a good stretch out to integrate your emotions and get grounded: Slow slithery hip openers keep the Saturday vibes flowing.

7. Sunday restorative: Want to practice, but also just stay in bed? This practice of sumptuous restoratives nourishes every cell of your body for the long week ahead.

Coping Strategies
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Pelvic Floor Lecture with Julie Everett

Pelvic Floor Lecture with Julie Everett

Join Guest Lecturer, Julie Everett, a pelvic floor physical therapist to learn about anatomy of pregnancy and postpartum, smart physical practices, and anatomy of your pelvic floor. Bring your questions. Come dressed to move!

Upon purchase you will receive an email with a PDF - download this immediately as it will only live in your inbox for 24 hours. It has the link for our lecture together on Sunday.

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30 Day Core Challenge
to Jan 13

30 Day Core Challenge

30 Days of Creative, Potent Core Work

Upon purchase you will be emailed a PDF to download with access a playlist of 30 10 minute-is core videos with Lily.

Challenge your body and your brain.

Deconstruct old ways you thought of your core and rebuild a foundation of true deep support for the longevity of your practice, for the health of your spine and pelvis.

Reconnect to your power, your purpose, your spunk, that lustrous fire of clarity, transformation, and will.

This challenge will lay the foundation of longevity, lightness, and lift to take your practice to the next level.

30 Day Core Challenge
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to Sep 1


5 30-40 minute power sessions

on demand. dense. dynamic

It’s holiday season and you are short on time. But you still want to feel amazing. You want an at home, on demand practice that delivers efficient, potent results. That delivers the big endorphin high. That is lush and creative and dimensional - not just rote, repetitive, mechanical movements. Amidst the hustle of the holidays, come back to your center in a concentrated powerhouse practice.

Nugget is a power practice. Each 30 minute session presents a joyful blend of:

Core.  Flow. Cardio. Brain Floss.  Stretch.  Center.

to help you feel amazing, powerful, energized, and grounding.

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4th annual thanksgiving benefit class

4th annual thanksgiving benefit class

A deep exhale. Restore yourself before you embark on the holiday celebrations.

all proceeds will be donated to

House of Ruth in Baltimore, MD

a safe haven for victims of domestic violence and their children

Prop List:
Wall space
yoga mat
2 pillows or bolsters
2 blocks
1 strap
1 blanket
eye pillow or washcloth

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Begin (Again).
to Nov 9

Begin (Again).



NOV 2, 9, 16, 23, AND 30

recording sent out afterwards.

75 minutes of dynamic flow - a strong practice of accessible postures for all levels.

15 minutes of workshop, Q and A, and framing a deeper understanding of the practice.

Build confidence.

Deepen and refine in detail and depth.

Reignite your practice.

Chart your progress.

Emerge feeling deeply seen and supported.

Awaken Beginner's Mind: an intrinsic awe and appreciation for your process exactly as it unfolds.

Begin Again

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RESET an inner revival
to Oct 15

RESET an inner revival


a 7 Day Cleanse and Yoga Challenge
with Lily Dwyer Begg
to spark your own inner revival.

Join us in community, October 8-15, 2021
Or, join us and choose your own cleanse week, following along with ebook and recordings

Take a week to reconnect to your vitality through a gentle cleanse protocol, daily yoga practice, daily meditations for clarity and insight, and the support of a community with zoom meet ups and check-ins to support you along the way. This program is inspired by my own experience over 9 years of following a seasonal (Fall and Spring) Kitchari Cleanse that I started to prepare my body for pregnancy. The cleanse protocol was co-created with Kameko Shibata, my amazing friend and Ayurvedic Practitioner working towards her Masters Degree in Ayurveda who I created this program with and ran for years and years in California.

A cleanse is a beautiful way to gain fresh insight when you are feeling stuck and create a healthy structure to simplify your life so that you can really learn to take good care of yourself.

This is not deprivation or juice cleanse that will spike and crash your blood sugar. It is a gentle, nourishing cleanse that will help you digest better, sleep better, feel better, and see your life with gentler and wiser eyes.

Clear out old sluggish patterns that have you stuck in cyclical patterns. Create a new healing rhythm to your day. Unearth your own heartfelt intention so that it can uplift and permeate your life.

*embark on a 5 day Ayurvedic monodiet
*learn a simple daily meditation routine
*learn Dinacharya, an Ayurvedic start to the day to clear the senses
*unplug for a 5-day digital detox from social media
*reflect and journal with guided prompts
*receive 5 FRESH 30-60-minute yoga online practices to do at home with Lily

This cleanse is at once a source of deep support and invigorating revival.Cultivate sacred space. Draw clear boundaries. Set down that which is not supporting your vitality. Return to simple rhythms. Cultivate healing habits. Put down your devices. Practice yoga and meditate for 5 consecutive days. Eat real food. Sleep like a baby. Rise with the sun.Learn a life changing, simple, Ayurvedic monodiet and method to reset, re-orient, re-evaluate, and reconnect. Learn simple healing powerful daily practices that you can learn to repeat on your own. It is helpful to have guidance the first time you embark on this journey, but once you know the way, you can make Reset a ritual you look forward to repeating each Fall and Spring. Weave it into the deeper meaning of your practice, your life purpose, and watch it lift off as a potent pause. Each time you repeat the process the process deepens and potentiates in the fabric of your life.Experience a detox that's a reset for your nervous system, a life affirming process that draws you closer to your purpose and your power and fills your cup instead of leaving you depleted. Think warming spices, lots of raw EFAs and healthy fats, warm herbal teas, daily elixirs and rituals and lots of oil massage to ground and settle your nervous system.Ground into daily warming yoga practice to flush and feel and stir. Integrate all layers of your being and bring all of yourself, from skin to soul, to the process: the physical abode of your body, your emotional landscape, your knowledge, your heart wisdom, your boundless bliss in being.Steep in sacred stillness so you can kindle the embers of what is most important to you.

What will you receive?:
(and keep forever so you can repeat on your own):

*e-book with recipes, shopping list, journal prompts, and a daily Ayurvedic self-care routine

*5 pre-recorded yoga practices with Lily

*2 10-minute pre-recorded meditations

*3 Zoom Meet ups for community support, inspiration, and connection. (recorded if you miss)

When will we Gather?

Friday Oct 8 5:30-7:30 pm EST Zoom Livecall (recorded if you miss it!) Learn Cleanse Protocol and release the week with an All Levels Yoga Practice featuring cleansing twists for deep release.

Saturday and Sunday October 9 and 10 - your own time to prepare: read your cleanse e-book, go grocery shopping, create sacred space for meditation and yoga in your home, look ahead and clear your schedule, let your loved ones know you are on a cleanse week, and start prepping your monodiet foods in the kitchen

Monday through Friday October 11-15 - Monodiet, Daily Yoga, Daily Meditation, and a 5 day Digital Detox from social media

optional Zoom Livecall Wednesday Oct 13 - 6:45-7:30 pm EST Castor Oil Hot Pack with Belly Massage, Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Community Circle

optional Zoom Livecall Sunday October 17 10-11:30 am EST Join us to celebrate a successful RESET for Sunday Yoga Church, a strong 90 minute Vinyasa practice as your sendoff

This is a gentle, methodical, and cumulative process.

 All are welcome and AHIMSA - compassion and nonviolence towards others and self is a central thread to the process. Before we embark on the 5-day Ayurvedic Kitchari Monodiet, you will have 3 days to prepare the temple - shifting to a whole foods diet, eliminating meat, alcohol, sugar, and reducing caffeine. You will take these 3 days to learn the cleanse protocol, shop for your supplies and ingredients, prepare a meditation space, and arrange your calendar so you can stick to the daily yoga and meditation schedule. If you are triggered by food cleanses you can skip that portion and join us for the yoga and meditation and self care ritual. 

There are 3 Zoom Calls. (Recorded and emailed to you the next day if you miss a session). Please note that if you want to join RESET but the dates October 8-15 don't work for you, you can join us, watch the recordings/read the ebook, and do it on your own time at a later date.

"When you refrain from habitual thoughts and behavior, the uncomfortable feelings will still be there. They don’t magically disappear. Over the years, I’ve come to call resting with the discomfort “the detox period,” because when you don’t act on your habitual patterns, it’s like giving up an addiction. You’re left with the feelings you were trying to escape. The practice is to make a wholehearted relationship with that."
Pema Chodron

Join us.

Reset Fall 2022
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Dawn Sessions Aug 9-13
to Aug 13

Dawn Sessions Aug 9-13

You are invited.
Wake up early.
Roll out your mat.
Join us! Aug 9-13, 6:45-7:45 am EST via Zoom.

All sessions recorded and sent out by 12 pm EST that same day for those who miss from a different time zone or would like a Replay. zoom link sent upon purchase.

💥Move through a strong, sweaty, EFFICIENT, Intermediate Vinyasa Flow to awaken and connect to yourself. Finish each session with a 5 minute meditation. First, start with five days of live (recording sent out after live practice) Zoom practice together to get inspired.
💥Next, continue at your own pace with five additional pre-recorded practices.
💥And lastly, join us on the Livestream for a free class Sunday, August 28 10-11:30 am EST

I can't wait to open this powerful morning practice to you all.

FREE to Moon Subscribers [($49/month) includes an online vault of over 150 practices and access to the weekly Sunday Yoga Church 10-11:30 am EST)]

Dawn Sessions
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Yoga with BB Weights

Yoga with BB Weights

Wednesday 12-12:45 pm in the Zoom Room!

Build Bone Density

Stack your bones

Cultivate strength and stamina

Get a strong efficient practice in during your lunch break!

Join us for Yoga with baby weights!

Bring a foam roller, mat, and 2 light weights with you.

When you purchase this digital class, you will be emailed a receipt with a download that has the class link via Zoom.

If you cannot make it live in person the replay will be sent to you and is yours to keep.

Yoga with BB Weights
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30 Day Core Challenge
to Jul 30

30 Day Core Challenge

One potent, precise, practical ten minute core workout sent to your inbox each day July 1-30.

Challenge your body and your brain.

Deconstruct old ways you thought of your core and rebuild a foundation of true deep support for the longevity of your practice, for the health of your spine and pelvis.

Reconnect to your power, your purpose, your spunk, that lustrous fire of clarity, transformation, and will.

It's going to be spicy and FUN!

July 30 Day Core Challenge

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Handstand Lab

Handstand Lab

Get over yourself. No wall - open sky - you are FREE FLYING.

There is a teaching that says that behind all hardening and tightening and rigidity of the heart, there’s always fear. But if you touch fear, behind fear there is a soft spot. And if you touch that soft spot, you find the vast blue sky. You find that which is ineffable, ungraspable, and unbiased, that which can support and awaken us at any time.

- Pema Chodron, "Practicing Peace"

Flirt with your fears and feel the freedom of doing this pose on your own two hands rather than outsourcing this pose to the wall.

Wherever you are in your journey: kicking up to the wall, keeping one toe on the wall in an L Square, building longer hang times in the middle of the room, or starting your press handstand journey you will be supported, challenged, and encouraged.

part lecture, part practice, handstand lab, and q and a.

Handstand Lab
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February New Moon Prenatal Practice Group
to Feb 28

February New Moon Prenatal Practice Group

Find your village.

Are you a pregnant person looking for support, community, and a smart weekly prenatal practice that will make you feel as comfortable, strong, and calm as you can week to week amidst the bodily changes of pregnancy?

This is a semi-private practice group to support you during pregnancy and beyond.

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January New Moon Prenatal Practice Group
to Jan 31

January New Moon Prenatal Practice Group

Find your village.

Are you a pregnant person looking for support, community, and a smart weekly prenatal practice that will make you feel as comfortable, strong, and calm as you can week to week amidst the bodily changes of pregnancy?

This is a semi-private practice group to support you during pregnancy and beyond.

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January: FRESH 30 Day Core Challenge
to Jan 30

January: FRESH 30 Day Core Challenge

To be a powerful mover you must have an unshakeable connection to your core. My classes are known for weaving unique, intense, and specific core work throughout our postures flows. I incorporate core work as a central component of each class to guide your presence and power down to your deep core, reinforce stability for longevity in your practice and healthy hips and lower back, and awaken a functional strength you might not have known you possessed that allows you to move in ways you might not have thought possible. Over the years students have asked if I could share videos of my core work. This 30 Day Challenge was born from that invitation. I love helping students learn how to activate each muscle, like tuning each individual instrument, and then learn to use the muscles together, like a symphony coming together in perfect harmony. 30 Day Core Challenge was the first challenge I ran during quarantine and I have learned a lot since then. This 30 Day Core Challenge features ALL NEW content so if you joined us for the last one you can repeat and the videos will all be FRESH.

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Choose your path

 Challenges you can do on your own time, or join by group

LILY Brand Element - Gold line (1).png

30 Day Handstand Challenge

30 Day Hamstrings Challenge

Other Workshop Offerings

I can also provide custom workshops for events, festivals or retreats - here are some I’ve done in the past: 

Animal Walks

John Smith

Animal Walks are simple, repeatable movement patterns that connect you to the strength of your belly, hips, and shoulders; open new pathways within your yoga and arm balance practice; and connect you to the wild unbound spirit of play, exploration, and possibility. This workshop begins with some simple core drills, wrist strengthening, and yoga flows. Then we roll up the mats, set them aside and get down low to the floor. You will crawl like a bear, jump like a frog, cartwheel like a sea star, slither like a snake, and more. You will venture off the grid of the yoga mat and really get some momentum going. There will be music with a strong beat to pace the movement. You will move with other humans from one side of the room to the other and feel like a herd of wild animals while you're at it! (there is something primal and satisfying about moving in unison and working hard and getting low to the ground in a lizard creep or a bear crawl or a frog bound) You will get out of your head and into your body and laugh and play and have fun. These are simple movement patterns that repeat. You do not need to be a professional dancer to get the hang of them and feel your bodymind move into flow state doing your animal walks. You will be so distracted by how physically joyful and mentally focused you are that you will not realize you are getting an incredible workout until you wake up the next day soooooo soooooore. (but in a good - strengthening the muscles - kind - of - way). Lily Dwyer Begg has been practicing yoga for two decades and teaching full time since 2003. She draws her material for teaching and practicing Animal Walks from her own yoga and arm balancing practice, as well as her years as a professional modern dancer, especially her work in Berlin, Germany studying Low Flying Release Technique method by David Zambrano.

Handstand Workshops

John Smith

Get over yourself. No wall - open sky - you are FREE FLYING. There is a teaching that says that behind all hardening and tightening and rigidity of the heart, there’s always fear. But if you touch fear, behind fear there is a soft spot. And if you touch that soft spot, you find the vast blue sky. You find that which is ineffable, ungraspable, and unbiased, that which can support and awaken us at any time. - Pema Chodron, "Practicing Peace" This workshop is open to all students who can kick up into a handstand at the wall on their own. Flirt with your fears and feel the freedom of doing this pose on your own two hands rather than outsourcing this pose to the wall. Wherever you are in your journey: keeping one toe on the wall in an L Square, building longer hang times in the middle of the room, or starting your press handstand journey you will be supported, challenged, and encouraged. Together we will: Practice core exercises to identify and target the Transverse Abdominis, Pelvic Floor, Multifidus, and Serratus Anterior to support a strong handstand practice. Explore the coordination of breath, bones, and bandha: how to stack yourself well and build your own “inner parachute” to suspend floating transitions and cultivate longer hang time. Brainstorm sustainable “exit” strategies. Learn techniques that create confidence, body awareness, and a more reliable, precise path in and out of a handstand. By popular request, this version of the Handstand Workshop Lily Dwyer Begg has been practicing yoga since 1999 and teaching since 2005. Her healing work is a labor of love. Troubleshooting students' handstand practices, helping students have massive "aha" breakthroughs on the mat, and building solid game plans to carry forward into your daily training to feel incrementally more confident going upside down are a passion of Lily's as your yoga teacher! It was her experience postpartum of reclaiming her center and accessing subtle yet powerful deep core muscles she had previously overlooked that helped her learn to handstand for a good long hold away from the wall for the first time. Handstands did not come easily or naturally for Lily but the tools, teachings, and insights from her journey taking this posture off the wall form the content of this workshop that she is so excited to share with you!

Kitchari Cleanse

John Smith

A cleanse is a beautiful way to gain fresh insight when you are feeling stuck and create a healthy structure to simplify your life so that you can really take learn to good care of yourself. This is not deprivation or juice cleanse that will spike and crash your blood sugar. It is a gentle, nourishing cleanse that will help you digest better, sleep better, feel better, and see your life with gentler and wiser eyes. Clear out old sluggish patterns in body, mind, and daily habits that have you stuck in cyclical patterns.  Create a new healing rhythm to your day. Unearth your own heartfelt intention so that it can uplift and permeate your life. We kick off with an info session and yoga class and then students have an ebook with recipes and protocols to follow at home. *embark on a 5 day Kitchari Cleanse *learn a simple daily meditation routine *learn Dinacharya, an Ayurvedic start to the day to clear the senses *unplug for a 5-day digital detox from social media *learn to chant Gayatri Mantra *reflect and journal with guided prompts *receive 5 FRESH 60-minute yoga online practices to do at home with Lily.

Postpartum Women’s Circle

John Smith

Share stories. Feel Heard. Move your body. Find your center. Tend to your heart. Reclaim your center. For women with babies 6 weeks - 3 years of age. This is a child-free environment. CIRCLE: In our busy modern mama lives, the experience of being seen and heard is deeply healing, fortifying, and ultimately transformative. We gather. We share stories of birth and motherhood. In circle each person is offered space to simply speak and be heard. We summon the courage to share and speak from the heart. There is no advice given, no commentary offered, no interruption allowed, no effort to fix or change a person or their story. Just like in yoga or meditation, in circle we cultivate healing awareness. We hold our stories in a space of compassion, presence, and self growth - welcoming each woman to stay with the reality of what she is experiencing so that she can at once relax into the heart of her own truth and feel herself as part of community. From this place of acceptance and community we open ourselves to transformation. YOGA: We will end the women's circle by moving through a 60 minute postnatal yoga practice and get to know your new body after baby in a supported, wise, attuned way - focusing on opening chest and shoulders, strengthening the deep core including pelvic floor and transverse abdominis, releasing the psoas, and quieting the nervous system. Lily's acclaimed Reclaim Your Center program which has help many Baltimore-area mamas reconnect to their core strength after pregnancy will be woven throughout the yoga flow.

Blissful Body: Restorative Yoga with Hot Stones and Massage


Restorative yoga with Hot Stones and Massage Balance your frazzled nervous system, soothe your aching muscles, and quiet your anxious mind in this pampering restorative yoga workshop. Perfect for the type-A power yoga practitioner. Also perfect for your grandma. This workshop is inclusive of all levels of practitioners. Take time to slow down, relax, and receive in a pampering afternoon of yoga. Pregnant mamas welcome. We will start with a little bit of chanting and joint mobilization. For the bulk of the workshop, restorative postures are held while massage therapists adorn you with hot river rocks, therapeutic massage and aromatherapy. We will finish with Yoga Nidra (“yogic sleep” – a traditional guided meditation during long savasana) to leave you feeling deeply renewed. Peel away the layers of fear, tension, and anxiety and unlock your own creative ocean of bliss.

Chair Yoga


This workshop is for students of a Strong Intermediate Level and for yoga teachers who want to develop a new skillset to support students and private clients. The backless yoga chair is a unique prop unlike any other. It can offer great insights to your practice. A backless yoga chair offers handles to leverage, traction, lift, and spread the body in the posture. It offers platforms to support body weight so that active poses like a side plank, for example, become sumptuously passive, allowing more advance leg variations to be explored with ease. It takes the strain off of overused areas of the body so that a shoulderstand, for example, can be held with the weight of the pelvis supported by the chair seat so that there is no added strain to the delicate vertebrae of the neck and the posture can be held longer. It offers a boundary to articulate more precise alignment, press against for isometric engagement and “active” stretching, and rein in blindspots in our body awareness. And it feels fantastic! Some people look to the chair as a prop for senior citizens, or total beginners. It can be that. However, in this workshop we will explore the use of the chair for the strong intermediate student. How can the chair be used to help you work more clearly, more intelligently, more actively? How can the chair reveal new depths to a pose like Parivrtta Upavistha Konasana so that the breath can flow with ease and illuminate bound areas in the psoas/diaphragm structure for greater healing? How can the chair be used as a training wheel for arm balances, for press handstand? The possibilities are limitless! We will begin by using the chair to traction, articulate the hinges of the body, and flush the spaces around them with breath and meditative awareness. We will practice core work and several rounds of sun sals to warm the body and generate Tapas to facilitate deeper purification in our postures. We will explore safe, smart, and smooth entry and exit strategies from the chair in twists, heart openers, backbends, arm balances, seated postures, inversions and finally the most heavenly slow set of chair restoratives. You will leave feeling taller, more spacious, and inspired by the new possibilities and sensations unearthed in your practice.

If you’re interested in workshop offerings, contact Lily for more information