
Uplevel your practice with me:

30 Day Core Challenge
30 day Hamstrings Challenge

30 videos to start today!

30 Day Handstand Challenge

90 handstand videos to start today!

build a yoga library: my favorite yoga books currently on my bookshelf

I get asked all the time about the different props that I use for yoga practice or books that I recommend to my students and trainees about yoga and birth/pregnancy/postpartum. I thought it would be helpful to combine all of my favorite books, and props here for you. Some of these products are linked with affiliates. That means if you purchase them through the link I will make a small commission that helps support our business. Please understand, I only link products I personally use and support and If you purchase through my link I'm very grateful. Thank you!



favorite props!: what I use in my online classes

Why is this the best strap?!

10 feet of strap length means you will be able to do all the poses Lily teaches with the strap. Many straps are too short! The clip buckle makes for easy, no fuss set ups.

I love these blocks!

Buy at least 2. You must have 2 blocks of the same size. I have 10! The more the merrier, consider getting 4. These are soft, light, and supportive. And made of recycled materials!

My favorite mat.

Lifetime warranty. Good grip. Perfect cushioning. Does not disintegrate.

Here’s another mat I often recommend who students needing a bit more grip.

My favorite prop. A backless chair is a wonderful prop for your grandmother but also to rock out all your most advanced backends and inversions. The possibilities are limitless.

Anchor yourself to the earth. Ground your sacrum in legs up the wall pose. Root your femurs back and down in savasana. Place a subtle weight over your low back in pigeon pose. Yummmmmmm. Grounding.

Pratyahara, baby. You practice savasana with every practice. Why not rest your screen-fatigued eyes and make it a deluxe savasana with an organic eye pillow.

You will need at least 3 of these for a well supported shoulder stand.

Ceiling Mount: for TRX and yoga swings

Yoga swing for traction, lymphatic system love, and joint support/decompression

Get in there! This handheld ball can be used to strengthen your core, tone your pelvic floor, massage your deep gut and obliques, and unwind deep psycho-emotional and physical tensions we hold in our abdominal viscera.

Steam roll your myofascial self.

My favorite meditation pillow. This is soft and filled with buckwheat like material so would not make a good bolster.

Spice your yoga practice up with the 2 lb wrist/ankle bangles/PRIDE edition!

self care products I love


I start every day with tongue scraping. It is part of my dinacharya (daily self care ritual) and improves digestion, decreases bad breath, and supports oral hygiene.

Best Home Water Purification System. From an island girl who grew up on fresh well water living on city water. ;)

This is my go to Ayurvedic massage oil for joint and muscle pain.

I use this instead of skin lotion. On weekends my self care routine includes drenching and massaging legs and feet in this oil with Abbhyanga (self massage to boost lymphatic function from toes towards hips) putting on cozy socks and putting my legs up the wall for at least 15 minutes. Super luxurious and sumptuously grounding.

Kappha Massage oil.

Vata Massage oil.

Pita Massage oil.

Jala Neti Pot: I rinse my sinuses daily with Celtic salt and body temperature purified water. Keep the Ida and Pingala Nadi balanced and improve your breathing.

Salt of Life. Mineral drenched. Not stripped/bleached. The good salt.

Adaptogens to the rescue!

I use this herbal formula with my week-long Kitchari Monodiet once in the Spring and once in the Fall.

Golden milk late powder. Mix in almond milk and add a bit of honey or blend with dates for a sweet warm anti-inflammatory beverage of the Goddesses.

Magnesium is good for insomnia, anxiety, brain fog, digestion, and muscle recovery.

Infrared Sauna with Jade and Tourmaline inner panels. Since the hot yoga studios all shut down with the pandemic I take a daily 60 minute Savasana in my HigherDose bag and get the infrared sweat and benefit for skin, muscles, joints, and immune system.

Better than a cup of coffee! Daily dry brush from hands/feet in and up towards heart - stimulates lymphatic flow and supports immunity.

Nightly rituals: washing my face and applying a few drops of this pomegranate face oil

Makeup for folks (like me) who don’t really wear make up. Flush for cheeks, lips, etc. Clean. beauty.

Choose herbal tea over your glass of wine or cocktail to really calm and replenish and care for your beautiful liver.

Sweet zippy daytime tea with a little caffeine.

Anti-inflammatory superfoods Turmeric and Ginger tea

Vitamix used daily for green smoothies, soups, salad dressings, and vegan ice creams!

 for those teaching movement online

this is the gear that I use:

I have two of these large ringlights in either front corner of my set up.

Audio quality is the single most important tecnhical factor in your on demand video offerings. This mic is top notch.

I shoot with my iPhone using the forward facing camera, HD 60 frames per second, connected to my Rode mic. This is the stand that holds my iPhone when I’m filming.

This rolling desk and a birth ball is my “office set up” for leading teacher trainings, conducting private client zoom calls, and when I am not demonstrating on my mat.


 pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting books I love:

 pregnancy physical support

Peanut Ball supports and opens your pelvis for labor and delivery

Birth Ball for pregnancy, labor, and beyond (I sit on mine instead of an office chair)

Pregnancy Pillow to sleep well and support your growing bump

Rebozo scarf for third trimester belly hammock and relaxation, supporting fetal position, bracing tired and tender hip joints, and “sifting” during labor and delivery.