I hope my email finds you well and enjoying these enlivening Spring days of alternating sunshine and fresh rainfall. You are receiving this email because you have participated in one of my Yoga Challenges during the past two years (thanks, Friend!), and I wanted to say "hi" and share a new offering with you.

This Friday I am launching a new membership called SUN!
Registration is open and you can learn more or sign up for your first week FREE and join us this Friday
SUN Subscription offers

  • Livestream Core Flow class with Lily Friday 7:30-8:30 am EST (*for the month of May we will be working with light weights*) always recorded and added to your virtual studio page if you miss or want a replay or live in a different timezone

  • On Demand Class Release twice a week: Every Monday and Wednesday a new on demand practice will be uploaded to your virtual studio and there will be a forum to ask me questions about your practice below each video. Comments will be moderated the week they are added by Friday afternoon.

  • In total, on an average month, 4 live and about 12 practices each month.

Sign on for $49/month and cancel at any time. This breaks down to about $4/practice or even if you only attend the Livestreams because you feel the accountability pull there more strongly just $12/practice) It's a very affordable, practical, do-able way to get your practice in at the start of your day 3 days a week (and maybe even before the kids wake up - Summer Parents - without having to leave the home!). I hope I can support you as you reconnect to your practice, feel greater presence, power, and purpose both on the mat.

You can learn more about this monthly subscription HERE or join us for a drop in class HERE.

May this season of rain showers and sun bursts and lush green sudden growth find you in a spirit of possibility and opening. If this offering sounds nourishing and enlivening to you, I would love to welcome you into this way to deepen your practice with me.

Thanks for your continued support!


Open your heart and find REFUGE in the Maternal archetype


March Theme: Spring Open! Legs to Lungs