Sunday Yoga Church 10/30

The Feet are a microcosm of the whole body. Look at the reflexology map and see the spine mapping onto the arch of the feet and the organ systems onto different toes and areas of the feet. This class is a well rounded flow that will emphasize the standing postures and articulation of the foot and ankle - and in doing so awaken dull zones throughout the entire body. Open your feet and the rest will follow. Where is your weight - forward, back, rolling in on the ankles, rolling out? What does that mean for your core, your glutes, your knees, your spine, your lungs? We will learn how to activate the feet through the big toe mound and inner arch to enliven all our postures and in doing so create space in the spine, lungs, and chest. Earthy, grounded legs. Bouyant heart. Stable and expansive. Feel good in this flow.


Belly Stuff: massage/compression, twists, core strength. Peak Poses: Mayurasana and Pinchamayurasana


Protect Your Grounding