retreat into the auspicious abode of Soma Chakra (LUNAR CHAKRA)

Blissful Body: Restorative Yoga with Hot River Rocks and Massage

Blissful Body: Restorative Yoga with Hot Rocks and Massage

Sunday, December 8, 3-6. pm

Cedarcroft Center

Parking is available in the connecting lot just south of the church at 6112 York Road


Hit pause on the holiday hustle and sink into your Resting Bliss Face.

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It is important that I know attendance far enough in advance that I can get the correct ratio of massage therapists for the number of folks attending.

The deadline to register is Friday, November 22.

Restorative yoga with Hot Stones and Massage. Take time to slow down, relax, and receive in a pampering afternoon of yoga. Balance your frazzled nervous system, soothe your aching muscles, and quiet your anxious mind in this pampering restorative yoga workshop. Perfect for the type-A power yoga practitioner. Also perfect for your grandma. This workshop is inclusive of all levels of practitioners. (Pregnancy friendly, too!)

  • We will start with a little bit of chanting and joint mobilization.

  • For the bulk of the workshop, restorative postures are held for extended periods of time while a crew of massage therapists occasionally adorn you with hot river rocks, therapeutic mini massages and aromatherapy.

  • We will finish with Yoga Nidra (“yogic sleep” – a traditional guided meditation during long savasana) to leave you feeling deeply renewed. Peel away the layers of fear, tension, and anxiety and unlock your own creative ocean of bliss.

When was the last time you treated yourself to receive and release?

Soma Chakra is the moon chakra, also known as Amrita Chaka - the Nectar of immortality pouring like moon drops from the back of the skull through the spinal column. Unlike the harsh bright stark shadows of the yang midday sun, moonlight casts a glow that is soft edged, cooling, calming, receptive, slower, and yin in nature. Soma Chakra helps us to tap into our dreams, to find refuge for the parts of us that relax and emerge in the protection of night, to trust in our innate capacity to rest and recalibrate to the internal somatic space of sensation and stored experience, and to savor tactile sensory input as a magic spell to open consciousness and unhook our attention from the hustle and grind.

Soma Chakra connects us to the back of the brain - away from the stress of what comes next in our immediate linear future and into the deep reservoir of creativity and calm that can replenish, cool, and quiet. Open to your deep inner knowing, intuition, and relax into interconnection as you bask in restorative yoga poses and yoga Nidra. This enhances our wellbeing in the receptive realms of sleep, digestion, and nervous system hygiene. The hard edges and shallow breaths that our go-go-go lifestyle reinforce begin to unwind and destress. We emerge expansive, soft, intuitive, and open. Walk in. Float out.


Please note all purchases are non-refundable be sure to check your calendar that you can attend the date you select.

You will be emailed to the email you provide at checkout an event reminder, parking information, and what to bring with you 2 days ahead of the event.

Challenge Yourself

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